When you find yourself facing charges of sexual assault, the reality of the situation can be worrisome. After all, charges like these are taken very seriously and can come with lasting ramifications if you are convicted. That makes it essential that you are proactive in your defense. There are a few key considerations for crafting such a defense, and here's what your criminal defense lawyer will discuss with you.

Are There Any Witnesses?

One of the things that you need to think about is whether or not there are any witnesses to the incident in question. This is an important consideration because witnesses can either help or hurt your case in the long run.

If there were witnesses that can refute the charges, make sure you visit your lawyer armed with their names, phone numbers, and any other relevant contact information. Explain to your attorney what each of the witnesses may have seen so that he or she knows who to contact and what to expect.

Sometimes witnesses can be harmful to your case. Even if there are witnesses who are claiming that the allegations are true, you should still provide their information to your sexual assault attorney. He or she can contact each of these witnesses or subpoena their statements to help you create a defense against their statements or to identify any potential inaccuracies in those statements to call their credibility into question.

Is There Any Evidence?

Another key factor that can be relevant to your defense is any evidence or lack thereof. Your attorney will want all of the possible information associated with any evidence that may exist in the case. Whether you have evidence that can disprove the claims or there is evidence that may seem to confirm it, you need to discuss this with your attorney.

Many sexual assault charges end up being cases of one person's word against the other. Absent any evidence on either side, those cases often end up dismissed before a trial is held. If there is any evidence that supports the claims, your attorney will have to evaluate it to see if it can be defended as circumstantial. Otherwise, you'll need to draft a defense to cast doubt on that evidence.

While disclosing any evidence may be uncomfortable, particularly if it may point to your guilt, you need to be direct and honest with your attorney. Remember that he or she is your only source for defense and cannot adequately defend you if you aren't honest about what may be brought up along the way.
